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  4. How do I increase the performance of my instance?

How do I increase the performance of my instance?

To increase performance you will need to resize your instance. It only takes a few minutes (however, the instance will restart during the change).

Via the cloud portal:

  1. Log in to the cloud portal
  2. Click on “Instances” and the instance you want to resize.
  3. Open the instance menu (the three dots at the top right) and then “Resize”.
  4. Select the new size you want to use and click “Resize instance”
  5. Wait for the resize to complete. When it is ready, your instance gets the status “Verify resize” and you need to check that everything is ok (via the console/SSH and see if the server booted correctly).
  6. Then click on the instance menu again, and select “Confirm resize”

You are now done and your instance is resized!

Updated on 2020-11-12

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