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Get started with Kubernetes | Part 1 – Creating a Cluster

In the first part of our Kubernetes guide, we will go through how to set up your own Kubernetes cluster in Binero.Cloud.

Kubernetes is a system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. In Binero.Cloud, you can create and manage your own Kubernetes cluster within minutes, something that can otherwise be complicated and require a lot of knowledge.

How do I begin?
You need to have access to a private network that the cluster will live on. If you do not already have one, you can create one, you can read more about private networks in this guide

Then create a Cluster Template at Container Infra -> Cluster Templates in Horizon. To access that control panel, you need to create an API-User here and then log in to https://control.binero.cloud
On the Info tab, select the name and engine. Binero.Cloud supports several engines but we recommend Kubernetes, and this guide is about kubernetes so we will select it.

On the Node Spec tab, we get a number of choices. We recommend the following settings to begin with:

  1. image | fedora-coreos-31-x86_64
  2. keypair | our SSH-key
  3. flavour | gp.2×4
  4. Master flavor | gp.2×4
  5. Volume Driver | Cinder
  6. Docker Storage Driver | Overlay2
  7. Docker Volume Size (GB) | 20

On the next tab, Network, we will set up the external and internal network, where we will select the following settings

  1. Network Driver | Flannel
  2. External Network ID | provider1
  3. Fixed Network | the network we created (or already had)
  4. Fixed Subnet | the subnet of the selected network
  5. Master LB | true

We select Master LB here as we will create a cluster with 2 master nodes to run the cluster in HA (high availability)
On the Labels tab, we can change certain variables to modify the creation of the cluster and choose how it gets configured, You can read more about labels here.
We will set the following labels


In short, we set that our cluster can autoscale to a maximum of 5 nodes and a minimum of 2 nodes, we also set our “ingress controller” to traefikwe will use it to handle TLS and incoming traffic to the cluster, you can read the traefik documentation here. We also disable the metrics server as it currently has some issues and we don’t want to waste resources.

After we saved the template, we can click the “Create Cluster” button and select the settings we want there.
NOTE: We need to edit our “Cluster Template” and deselect “Floating IP” on the network tab to then save again before creating the cluster.
Since we have planned to run the master nodes in HA, we type 2 on Master Count, we also set min_node_count to 2 so we type 2 on Node Count as well.
This results in our cluster initially having 2 worker nodes and 2 master nodes, the cluster can if necessary scale up to a maximum of 5 worker nodes.

Once we have selected our settings and created the cluster, it will be up and running within a few minutes.
In Part 2 we will show you how to start using your new cluster.

Updated on 2021-05-21